Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Empire Trilogy afterthoughts

I've finally finished this trilogy..Phew... was quite hook to these books.. took me so many days...I actually borrowed the first book from the library.. then when I wanted to borrow the second book.. the book was lent out.. i seriously can't wait so I went to the rental bookstore to get it.. and when I wanna get the third book, it's the same story!! And this time round, there's lot's of copies of the second book.. anyway.. i rented the third book also...

The authors are really great because they fantazied a whole empire call Tsurani where people believe in slavery and where warriors are not afraid of death. People believe in fighting to death for their land as an honour. They believe that to die under swords was heroic and only slaves are hung. They are really cruel in a sense. Lives are less important than honour. This is the empire that believe in Warlords. Lords, owners of lands and considered the Royal blood will get into wars with other Lords to save their honour. When the last Lord was killed, the land was either taken or abandoned if there's no descendant by blood to take over the ruling. All the residents of the land will be consider cast out. being without master will be like without honour or name.. They will become grey warriors living in forests living lives of beggars and homeless.

Mara of Acoma was really unfortunate, she was going through the process of becoming what we call a nun when the warriors came for her. Her father and brother were dead fighting a battle and she's the only blood-relative alive to take over the land. She had to take over the ruling, because if she failed, all the people she knew from young and all the residents of her home land will be without master and hence homeless. Due to the lost in the war, her current army was only a handful, a weak number to protect the land against anything. Fortunately, she inherited her father's leadership and intelligence. Struggling to protect her life, she decided to do something no one in the empire had ever done before.. She went to recruit the Grey Warriors in the forest. By the end of the recruitment, her army size swelled. She managed to convinced a Cho-ja (giant ants with intelligence) Queen to build her nest on Acoma's land where she could benefit from the ant strong army as well as fine supply of silk for trading. The ants made good quality silk. She continued to do smart moves by marrying the son of the second more powerful Lord in the Empire. Even though the marriage was a nightmare to her, she gained powerful protection and a heir to her land.... I was hooked following her through how she managed to change the traditions of the Empire and how she managaed to secure the throne of the Empire to her second son. All that she had done was mainly for one thing, to protect her children and her lands.

Really thrilling and strategic...


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